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Put down the pen and paper and start reaping the benefits today. Physicians and their staff across the country are using e-prescribing to free up time and resources while improving patient care. We help physicians �Get back to being a doctor first...�

Each year, 7,000 patients die from prescribing errors. Additionally, physician offices will receive over 150 million callbacks from pharmacists. The good news is that electronic prescribing can dramatically reduce each of these numbers - saving patient lives, reducing office administration costs and more.

Our award winning electronic prescribing system has been designed, from the ground up, for physicians, by physicians. The focus is on producing error-free prescriptions in an extremely efficient low cost manner.

The easy to use interface allows you to write medication orders fast - it takes just seconds to write and send a complete script including automated patient allergy checking, drug-drug interaction analysis, all necessary patient data, medication SIG details and related drug information.
DrFirst, Inc.
9420 Key West Ave. Suite 230 | Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 301.231.9510 | Fax: 301.231.9512 |